Sunday, May 4, 2025 | 3:00pm
Christopher Theofanidis Rainbow Body (2000)
Christopher Theofanidis As Dancing is to Architecture (1996)
Han Lash Zero Turning Radius Concerto for Orchestra (2024) *
Jeremy Gill Four Legends from the Silmarillion (2024)*

                              I.  Ainulindalë

                              II.  Narsilion

                              III. Tinúviel

                              IV. Eärendil

*BMOP commission/World Premiere

Gil Rose, conductor

Sunday, May 4, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. ET

New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough Street, Boston, MA

Program is subject to change.

Rainbow Body was the coming together of two ideas -- one, my fascination with Hildegard of Bingen's music (the principal melody of Rainbow Body is loosely based on one of her chants, "Ave Maria, O Auctix Vite") and two, the Tibetan Buddhist idea of "Rainbow Body:" that when an enlightened being dies physically, his or her body is absorbed directly back into the universe as energy, as light.  This seemed to me to be the metaphor for Hildegard's music as much as anything. - by Chris Theofanidis

"Zero Turning Radius" is about the joy of steering a powerful, enormous, and fleet entity like an orchestra: shifting and dancing, turning on a dime. The idea for the piece was inspired while Han Lash using their zero turning radius mower. - by Han Lash

Four Legends from the Silmarillion is a set of four tone poems that musically depicts the most famous tales from J.R.R. Tolkienʼs posthumously published The Silmarillion. Tolkien toiled over The Silmarillion on and off for most of his adult life; it establishes the mythology and history that lay behind his celebrated The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. -by Jeremy Gill